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Classroom Experience, Career Preparation

博天堂官方校友占所有受过培训教师的50%以上是有原因的 以及近三分之一的科罗拉多州年度教师奖得主. We 提供创新的,高度重视的课程和实践经验,并融合它 小教室和优秀教授的指导.

当你在博天堂官方主修基础教育时,你加入了一个结合了丰富知识的项目 现场经验与指导教师谁带来的经验和研究 the classroom. 在这所大学里,你可以建立有价值的人际关系 teaching community, 和 student teach anywhere in the world.

我们的基础教育学士学位为您在不同的课堂教学做好准备 K-6年级,有机会获得教学执照和背书 position you for success. 我们的优秀教师得到了国家的认可 我们创新项目的成果不言自明:四年 一项研究显示,博天堂官方超过95%的教师教育候选人都是 placed in jobs in their field. It’s why the 状态 of Colorado designated UNC as the primary institution for teacher education in the 状态.

Degree Options

作为博天堂官方基础教育专业的学生,你可以根据以下内容定制你的课程作业 your career interests. We offer several bachelor degree options:

B.A. in Elementary Education with Initial Licensure

在美国顶尖的教育项目中获得K-6年级教师资格证书 状态. 强调真实的课堂体验,让学生更好地准备 博天堂官方的基础教育项目包括900小时的实地经验 is 100 hours above the Colorado requirement. Adjunct faculty—often retired teachers 管理人员在实习环境中监督教师候选人,提供一个 个人参与和指导的水平在其他学院或大学很少发现. 除了获得教师执照,这个学士学位课程也使 你不需要额外的学分就可以获得CDE认证. Our students have 成功的记录:93%的EDEL学生通过了教师资格证 exam the first time they take it.

Center for Urban Education Program

有兴趣在城市学区获得专业培训和经验? 在我们的学校获得学士学位和初级教师执照 Center for Urban Education program. 结合了基础教学和文科学位,专注于 英语作为第二语言,这个教学计划是为你准备的 working with diverse students. Delivered in Denver, the program features a paid classroom 学徒模式,让你开始在地铁地区的教室学习和工作 right away. 课程涵盖如何教每一个学科领域提供从非常 开始——不像大多数教师预备课程那样保留到初中和高中. 课程毕业生也有资格获得英语作为第二语言(ESL)执照/背书.

Center for Urban Education Program DETAILS

B.A. in Elementary Education with a Liberal 艺术 Concentration

基础教育学士学位与文科重点涵盖 小学课堂讲授的内容,包括语言艺术、数学、 science, social studies 和 history. You may choose this emphasis if you wish to obtain 文学学士学位,没有教师执照,不打算立即教书. 在文科集中,你将获得宝贵的教学和批判性思维 skills you can apply to a wide range of careers. At UNC, you also have caring, knowledgeable, 在你身边的专业顾问将帮助你在轨道上完成 bachelor’s degree program in four years.

B.A. 在基础教育:教师执照表演视觉艺术专业

具有视觉表演教师执照的基础教育学士学位 以艺术为重点,让你为从事基础教育做好准备,掌握基本的艺术技能, 在课堂上提供以艺术为重点的教学所需的概念和目的. 表演视觉艺术的重点是提高学校教学的就业准备 以及重视艺术作为教育发展一部分的社区项目 与“每个学生成功法案”(ESSA)一致,其中包括艺术和音乐 in the definition of a “well-rounded education.”

Major Requirements

Minor Options

Minor in Special Education

为教学有各种特殊需要的学生获得有价值的准备 a minor in Special Education. Designed to accompany any major or teacher licensure 特殊教育辅修课程需要18个学分才能完成.

Minor Requirements

Minor in Elementary Education

UNC’s Elementary Education Minor requires 18 credit hours. You’ll take five required courses (Emergent Literacy, Pre-K through Grade 3; Social Foundations of Education; Exceptional Student in the Elementary Classroom; Technology in Education for Elementary Teaching; 和 Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers). To complete the remaining 所需的小时数,你可以从任何300或400 ED前缀课程中选择.

Minor Requirements

Related Programs

Your Future in Elementary Education

Good teachers are always in-dem和. With a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education 在博天堂官方,你会有最强大的课堂准备.

Consider UNC’s B.A. in Elementary Education if you are:

  • Someone who enjoys working with children in grades K-6
  • Interested in teaching a wide range of academic areas
  • Passionate about teaching 和 making a positive difference

You’ll learn:

  • 基础英语、数学、艺术、科学和社会研究
  • 如何通过丰富的实地经验有效地在课堂上发挥领导作用
  • 扎实的基础教育理论和研究背景

Sample courses:

  • Literature for Children, Adolescents 和 Young Adults
  • Principles of Scientific Inquiry: Finding Order in Chaos
  • Exploring Colorado
  • Teaching Science in the Elementary School
  • Educational Technology Applications for Elementary Teaching
  • 在基础教育课堂上教授英语学习者

Beyond the Classroom

Where Can Your Degree Take You?

当我们的大多数基础教育专业的学生继续从事教学工作时,这个项目 offers a range of career options, including:

  • Elementary school teacher
  • Librarian
  • Writer or editor
  • Manager/supervisor
  • Adult literacy teacher
  • Program coordinator

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